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Mr Lovelidge's Big Question

Mr Lovelidge’s Big Question

Each half term, children are given a big question to consider. These questions encourage children to offer theories, work collaboratively, use reason and think critically. These questions are linked to the British Values.

All children are encouraged to talk to their parents and research about the big question and then bring their findings and opinions into school in the form of a letter, project book, model, video, computer presentation or another appropriate medium.

The best Big Question entries are displayed in Mr Lovelidge's office and the top three entries are rewarded at the end of the term with prizes.

Term 1: Should the school day be extended? (Democracy)

Term 2: Should children be allowed to choose their friends? (Individual liberty)

Term 3: Why is it important to have rules and what would happen if there were no rules? (Rule of law)

Term 4: Should everyone be allowed to do what they want or are there times we need to think about others over ourselves? (Rule of law)

Term 5: Why is it important everyone has a voice when making a decision? (Individual liberty)

Term 6: How can we respect people who have different beliefs? (Tolerance and mutual respect)